Sunday, April 03, 2011

Libyan Rebel Irresponsibility Ends In Tragedy

Yesterday, Saturday, April 3rd, the immature Libyan rebel habit of firing weaons into the air just to get a rush bit them on the ass. A fool fired a heavy machine gun into the air for no apparent reason, bringing down a NATO airstrike which about 13 of them and left behind some Libyan cripples. One rebel lost part of a leg. This rebel says he saw a shepherd with his arms blown off. Others had burns. (NY Times account 4/4.)

Now maybe they Libyans can train themselves by teaching each other this story as an object lesson in the stupidity of lack of fire discipline. But unfortunately I'm not holding my breath.

But they're a cut above Afghans. Their spokesman said it was the rebels' own fault, which of course it was. Afghans would have howled in fury at the West. Afghans always blame outsiders for their problems- the same outsiders trying to free them from medieval tyranny, and building them free canals, schools, clinics, water treatment plants...hopeless ingrates. And their "government," headed by Thief-In-Chief Hamid Karzai, just steals. This is all gonna end up like "South" Vietnam, a government that will collapse like a house of cards as soon as their foreign protectors leave and the Taliban blows on it.

But I digress...

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