Thursday, April 21, 2011

Taliban Boasts About Its "NEW! IMPROVED!" Terrorism

In the past few days, the Taliban pulled off 3 suicide bomber attacks in Afghanistan. They dressed their death-loving kamikazes in Afghan army or police uniforms, and were able to bump off the police chief of Kandahar Province (again- this is like the 3rd time they've done that) 5 NATO soldiers, and snuck one of their killer robots inside the Defense Ministry in Kabul, where he shot 10, killing a couple, until the mad dog was gunned down before he could detonate his bomb vest.

Some creature named Zabiullah Mujaheed, a Taliban mouthpiece, gloated "This inflicts more casualties and does not cause any civilian casualties." A bit of a lie there; let's say fewer civilians. (Last year 75% of the civilian deaths in Afghanistan were done by the Taliban.)

See NY Times, April 19, 2011, p. A8: "Suicide Bomber Attacks Afghan Defense Ministry."

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