Friday, May 27, 2011

Repressive West Shows Its True Colors Once Again

Today the Spanish Government (a "Socialist" government, they want people to believe), had its police beat sitting protesters in a Madrid square to forcibly break up an "illegal" demonstration against the economic policies that bleed the people to pay off the top strata of international finance capitalists.

Just as in Bahrain, or Yemen, or Jordan, or Israel, or Egypt, or Russia, or Syria, or China, any protest against the system is not allowed.

This is not new, nor unique to Spain. In Italy a few years back, people trying to protest a G-7 meeting were savagely beaten by Italian police, teeth kicked out while victims forced to lay on the floor, then made to sing fascist anthems back in their captors' lairs ("police stations").

The U.S. is notorious for smashing demonstrations against G-7 and G-8 meetings, and at the conventions of the two corporate parties ("Democrats," who represent plutocrats, so are hardly democratic, and the Republicans, also called the GOP, or Gang Of Plunderers). Seattle, Philadelphia, New York, and other places all saw police attack peaceful protesters and raid their gathering places in advance, arresting them illegally and destroying/stealing their signs, puppets, and other protest paraphernalia. In NYC at the last GOP convention in that city, thousands were rounded up off the streets, including people just passing by, and imprisoned illegally.

But OH, what a STINK the Western media is raising over China arresting the artist Ai Wei Wei.

Perhaps the propagandists of the corporate media should look in a mirror once in a while.

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