Tuesday, June 28, 2011

U.S. Anxiety Over Afghanistan Showing

Notice who keeps talking about  "negotiating" in Afghanistan, and how "a political settlement is the only solution." It's the U.S. Even U.S. generals are quoted to this effect. The U.S. keeps talking about negotiating with the Taliban. Funny, you don't see the Taliban showing the slightest interest in negotiating. (Although there was a con man who pretended to represent the Taliban, to whom the U.S. stupidly gave a big payment to- why the hell they would do that, beats me. The con man quickly absconded with his suitcase of loot. Kind of careless of the American apparatchiks. Oh well, it's not their money. It's OURS. Our taxes. Same as the billions frittered away on "development," much of it stolen by Karzai and his kleptocrat cronies.)

The weakness of the U.S. is showing. The U.S. keeps talking aloud about negotiating with the Taliban, hoping the Taliban will show some interest. It's like some pathetic teenager pining for a phone call from an unrequited love object they're mooning over.

I was appalled during the Soviet attempt to drag that feudal backwater kicking and screaming into the 20th century, by the U.S.-sponsored jihadist war. The U.S. saw it as payback for Vietnam. Like the Soviets made the U.S. savagely assault that poor nation. The mindless anti-socialism of the U.S. caused it to vastly increase the power of backward Islamic totalitarian fundamentalism, along with their terrorist Paki pals (who are now screwing them) and the Saudis, the bankrollers of backwardness and jihadist terrorism. Even today, creeps like yahoo Congressman Charlie Wilson is lionized for his cheerleading role in empowering the Islamofascist fanatics. 

That's it, U.S. rulers, don't ever learn anything from history.

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