Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stinking Hypocrisy and Double Standard of U.S. Hard Right Reactionaries and Their Corp Media Enablers

Thoughts upon glancing at the title page of an article in The New Yorker, August 29, 2011, Annals Of Law, “Partners,” by Jeffrey Toobin,  about Clarence Thomas and his mate Virginia, the reactionary fanatic political operative:

Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and all the Federalist Society moles planted in the U.S. Judiciary are totally dedicated to pushing their POLITICAL agenda, under the thin guise of “law,” They make up specious legal “doctrines” with pretentious names to claim Authority for their totally political legal decisions. They have no problem totally contradicting themselves from one case to the next- it’s all about results, outcomes, for them. They are not impartially applying abstract legal principles derived from Holy Writ, the U.S. Constitution, or from reading  the minds of long-dead “Founding Fathers,” or even at times invoking the Bible or “divine” law from their “God.” Those are all just heavy stones to use to pound people down and accept their diktat.

Meanwhile, on the “other side” of the bourgeois political ledger, the “liberals,” all those not part of this fanatical movement intent on cementing their control over America, that is, just non-ideological bourgeois people, are handcuffed from doing anything reasonable because they are immediately accused of being “political.” The epithet “activist judges” was invented and is hypocritically applied to any judge who dares not toe the neofascist line. And the “liberals” submit. Not because they are “liberal,” they aren’t. They’re just opportunists and careerists. Hence we should not be surprised that they seem to lack backbone. What principles are they defending? None. So they don’t spit back in outrage, “YOU’RE the ‘judicial activists,” for example.

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