Friday, September 05, 2014

Russian Intervention Saves Lives of Eastern Ukrainians

That is the objective conclusion from the latest news from Ukraine. Yet you won't hear it in U.S. or EU media. Instead it's still frenetic chattering about Russian "aggression" and "destabilization" and specious speculation about Putin's "plans" and "goals" and his alleged secret plan to invade the Baltic states and more and make them part of Russia again.

But the U.S. government's own national radio propaganda network, NPR, just reported this afternoon that the boss of the Western-installed Kiev cabal, the billionaire candy magnate Petro Poroshenko, has agreed to a ceasefire- a ceasefire that the NATO war-mongering militarist Secretary General, U.S. puppet Anders Fogh Rasmussen, contemptuously dismissed as a Russian ruse just a few days ago, demanding instead that Russia abandon the eastern Ukrainians to whatever fate the Kiev regime had in store for them. The ONLY REASON Poroshenko has agreed to stop trying to wipe out the separatists is that Russian military intervention turned the tide and made it obvious that the Kiev regime's military offensive would fail.

NPR also reported that Poroshenko pledged some autonomy for the east, and respect for cultural and ethnic rights. This is exactly what Moscow has been insisting on for months. What, exactly prevented the Kiev cabal from agreeing to this months ago, BEFORE they killed almost 3,000 Ukrainian civilians in artillery and aerial bombardments? The eastern cities have been partially reduced to rubble, with basic services like water and electricity cut off. There are now a million internal and external Ukrainian refugees. (American propaganda never refers to them as "Ukrainians," but as "pro-Russian separatists" or "rebels." the words "Ukraine" and "Ukrainians" are reserved to references to the Kiev cabal and their forces.)

So the Russian military support for the separatists is actually an example of a humanitarian intervention! Unlike the U.S. invasions of Grenada, and Panama (in which four thousand poor Panamanians were slaughtered when the U.S. military wiped out entire neighborhoods- carefully avoiding the areas where the rich live) or the invasion of Vietnam (never called an invasion in the U.S., but an "intervention" or "involvement in," sometimes a "mistake," never the criminal invasion it was) or of Cambodia, or Lebanon, or Afghanistan or IRAQ, where hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, possibly a million.

Emperor Obama just explicitly sneered at the NATO summit in Wales what Russia did "is not a humanitarian intervention." Interesting that he made a point of saying that. How often are the words of U.S. elites and diametrical opposite of the truth.

Of course Russia isn't necessarily motivated by humanitarian concern. That does not change what the action objectively is. But it would be churlish to think that Russian concern for ethnic Russians in Ukraine is feigned.

By the way, one of the first acts of the new, fascist-dominated parliament in Kiev after the coup was to pass a law banning the Russian language. That law was hastily withdrawn on instructions of their U.S. masters, who are more savvy about public relations than their new protégés.

For Poroshenko, going to the NATO summit was the last roll of the dice. His last-ditch attempt to get NATO to send its military forces to help him crush the resistance to his rule in the east failed. The U.S. is in no position to get into a shooting war with Russia. Nor are its European lackeys. They talk tough, they wage economic warfare, they threaten to create "rapid response forces," they clench a fist at Russia and say Don't You Dare Invade the Baltics! (which Russia has shown not the slightest inclination of doing) but at the end of the day incorporating Ukraine into NATO is NOT a vital strategic interest of theirs, whereas having access to the Black Sea and a nation that is not a threat on its border IS a vital interest to Russia. This endgame was predictable from the start. But Western arrogance, and the U.S.' delusion that it is entitled to rule the entire world, has led to needless bloodshed and suffering. (Not for the first time, and it won't be the last, unfortunately.)

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