Monday, October 16, 2017

Rex Tillerson Tacitly Confirms Again That He Called Trump "A Fucking Moron" By Refusing To Deny It

For a second time, when asked directly to his face if he called his boss, U.S. president Donald "Maximum Narcissist" Trump "a fucking moron" after Trump said he wanted to increase the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal by ten times, U.S. Secretary of State Rex "Big Oil" Tillerson refused to deny it. That's as good as a confirmation. There is no reason on earth not to deny it if it isn't true.  Obviously NOT denying it only keeps the matter alive. (The remark wasn't made in Trump's presence.)

NBC originally reported the insult, and Tillerson was asked about it by a reporter immediately after that. Tillerson evaded the question. Later, a surrogate was trotted out to deny it.

Now, Tillerson just appeared on CNN and was asked again. Again he refused to answer, bloviating for several sentences about not "dignifying" the question by answering it, and other high-minded blather. A simple "no" would have put the matter to rest.

Apparently Tillerson has some kind of internal moral code that prevents him from telling a bald-faced lie, so instead he squirms and twists and implies a lie, denying without explicitly denying. Tillerson was an Eagle Scout as a boy, the top level in the Boy Scouts. That organization indoctrinates boys with a moralistic ideology. This may be a factor in Tillerson's unwillingness to flat-out lie, like his boss does as naturally as he breathes.

Trump, for his part, challenged Tillerson to an IQ test competition. No word on who Trump would appoint to officiate. Maybe Ivanka or Jared Kushner or Donald Jr.

Let me tell you, I have a very very HIGH IQ, BELIEVE Me!

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